Friday 4 June 2021

World Environment Day: Nature is providing free oxygen for our survival, plant more trees and protect our natural resources says U S Moinuddin


U S Moinuddin, Environmentalist, Author, Educationist, Motivational Speaker.

Bengaluru: World Environment Day is celebrated on the 5th of June every year. The first World Environment Day was celebrated in the year 1974 at Spokane, United States of America with the theme “Only One Earth.”

In the years that followed, World Environment Day has developed as a platform to raise awareness about the problems facing the environment such as air pollution, plastic pollution, global warming, deforestation, illegal wildlife trade, marine pollution. It has grown as the largest global platform for environmental public outreach, and celebrated by millions of people across the world.

U S Moinuddin

Every year, World Environment Day is hosted by a different country, with a different theme to advocate environmental causes. The host for this year is Pakistan and the theme is “Ecosystem Restoration.”

Ecosystem restoration means assisting in the recovery of ecosystems that have been degraded or destroyed and also, conserving the ecosystems that are still intact. You can restore an ecosystem by greening your home, planting trees in a garden, a public space, a farm, business premises, either side of the roads, a school or a college, create a tiny or big forest, cleaning up a lake, river or a beach, cleaning up a park, stopping chemical pollutants- industrial wastes or other effluents from entering rivers and lakes,   staging an online campaign to draw attention towards climate change or destruction of trees and forests; and what can be done to reverse the effect and how collectively or individually people can contribute towards protecting our ecosystem.

Environmentalist and the Founder of the Global Environment Movement One Tree by One Person, U S Moinuddin said, “Covid-19, has taught mankind the importance of oxygen for our survival. Families have struggled to get oxygen cylinders to save their near and dear ones, though willing to pay a large sum of money. Nature, is constantly providing us oxygen in abundance, absolutely free for our survival. Perhaps, this will motivate mankind to plant more trees, protect our natural resources and respect nature.”


U S Moinudin

One Tree by One Person, a revolutionary movement to make India and the world greener was introduced by Environmentalist US Moinuddin in the year 2002. The agenda of this movement is to encourage tree planting and educate the masses about the role of trees in our ecosystem.

People love trees, but most of them do not make an effort to plant them as they get engrossed in their day-to-day activities. To make tree planting more realistic and easier, U S Moinuddin began to promote the idea of “One Tree by One person,” according to which, a person is required to plant at least one sapling during their lifetime and take care of it until it grows into a big mature tree. As of 2021 the population of Bangalore is 1.27 Crore, if every resident takes an initiative of planting one sapling, then the city will have  over 1 Crore trees in addition to the trees that already exist. If every Indian takes an initiative of planting a sapling, then there would be 139 Crore trees. Likewise, if every person across the Earth plants a sapling, then there will be 7.9 billion trees in addition to the trees that already exist.

U S Moinuddin

In overcrowded cities like Bengaluru and Mumbai how does one plant so many trees? That is the usual question asked by many.”Nature gives us varieties of trees. Where there is more space you can plant a rain tree, Sausage tree, Melia Dubia, Tabebuia Rosea, Gulmohar, Peltophorum Pterocarpum(Copper Pod), Mango tree, Tamarind tree, Cannon Ball tree(Nagalinga)and other big trees, where there is less space you can plant Silver Oak, Honge, Singapore Cherry and other small and medium size trees.” Moinuddin answers

  This movement is attracting people of all age groups. Students across schools and colleges, office employees, housewives, factory workers and others have sworn to plant trees and make our environment healthy and beautiful. U S Moinuddin has been constantly meeting people and encouraging them to support this campaign where one can witness a Greener India and a Greener Earth. He has also planted a large number of saplings and also takes out rallies and distributes saplings for free.

One Tree by One Person is also inspiring people in Bangladesh, Thailand, Sri Lanka, Nigeria, Bahrain, Poland, Russia, New Zealand and America.

“Global Warming is a serious problem; the Earth is becoming warmer and warmer as a result of the toxic gases generated from the vehicles, forest fires, factories and deforestation. As a result, the Polar ice caps can melt, rising the sea levels. When the sea levels rise, islands such as Lakshadweep, Maldives, and hundreds of other islands including the Southern part of India, which is a Peninsula can get submerged under water. Planting trees can slow down the global warming process to a very large extent.” Moinuddin further states.

With the concept of One Tree by One Person, the deserts can become green, the barren lands can become productive, the temperature in the cities will decrease, and the trees will attract rain replenishing the decreasing water table. This is one campaign that will truly make the Earth a greener place to live in.

One Tree By One Person is a vision oriented Movement. It is not about a single person or a group of people taking an initiative of planting trees, but it is about every person across the Earth actively participating in tree planting as responsible citizens of the planet, for a greener and safer Earth.


Saturday 6 June 2020

U S Moinuddin says, we have a responsibility towards our planet

Environmentalist U S Moinuddin during the World Environment Day
BENGALURU: World Environment Day is celebrated on the 5th of June every year. The first environment day was held in the year 1974 in Spokane, United States of America. The day raises awareness about the environmental issues global warming, marine pollution, human over-population, protection of wildlife and sustainable consumption. World environment day has become a global platform for countries to showcase environmental issues. Each year, World Environment Day has a new theme.

The theme for the 2020 World Environment Day is “Biodiversity” and the host country is Colombia.
U S Moinuddin
Colombia is one of the largest “Megadiverse” nations in the world to hold 10% of the planet's biodiversity. Since it is part of the Amazon rainforest, Colombia ranks first in bird and orchid species diversity and second in plants,butterflies, freshwater fish, and amphibians.

Recent events, from Bushfires in Brazil, the United States, and Australia to locust infestations across East Africa - and now, a global disease pandemic- demonstrate the interdependence of humans and the webs of life, in which they exist.
U S Moinuddin
Environmentalist and the Founder of the global environment movement One Tree by One Person, U S Moinuddin said, “Every human being has a responsibility towards our planet. As responsible citizens, we need to respect and protect our nature. The rivers, lakes and other water bodies need to be devoid of pollution. Air pollution has become a major contributor to many diseases and deforestation is contributing to global warming and other geological hazards.”

U S Moinuddin
Human actions, including deforestation, encroachment on wildlife habitats, intensified agriculture, and acceleration of climate change, have pushed nature beyond its limit.

Friday 21 June 2019


Environmentalist, Author, Educationist and Motivational Speaker U S Moinuddin addressing the gathering during the event Greener Earth
Bangalore:  Greener Earth, an event to encourage tree planting and showcase the adverse effects of air pollution was organized in the Magnifique Public School, One Tree by One Person campus also called as Centre for Education, Environment, Culture and Human Excellence on Kanakapura Main Road. Students, staff and parents of the students from different schools, and people from various walks of life participated in the event.

Environmentalist, Author, Educationist Motivational Speaker and Founder of the Global Environment Movement One Tree by One Person, U S Moinuddin, interacted with the audience and said in his speech, “ Major cities like Bangalore are experiencing a transition which is eventually coming at the expense of the health of the people. In the year 1971 there were about 1 lakh vehicles in Bangalore, now there are more than 80 Lakh vehicles moving on the roads. Toxic gases emitted from the vehicles are considerably  responsible for lung diseases, cardiovascular diseases, allergies and skin diseases.” He also highlighted the importance of planting trees and their role in slowing global warming.

A host of dignitaries from various walks of life participated in the event.

Prof R Janardhan, Pro Vice Chancellor Dayananda Sagar University said in his speech,“The initiative to ensure each citizen to plant one sapling is truly a great one. Our society should collectively encourage One Tree by One Person  to make our world a better place to live in.”

Sonia Singh, Aviation coach and Mrs.India 2018 said, “ Children need to become aware of the ill effects of air pollution, and also, when a culture is developed in which they understand about the role of trees for our survival,  they grow up into responsible adults.”
Admiring the green environment in the school campus, Ganesh Kumar, Managing Director and Founder of Sheen Sports Alliance, said in his speech, “Education and Environment go hand in hand in the campus, it is an amazing feel to learn in a campus full of trees.”

Wasantha Jayasekara cricket player and coach from Sri Lanka said, “I am a supporter of One Tree by One Person, every individual should contribute their efforts to safeguard our nature by planting trees and protecting the existing trees.”

Students from various schools performed mimes and role plays to display their concern towards making our earth greener and safer.

Swarupa Chatarjee Som, the Principal of Magnifique Public School and others too participated in the event.

Saturday 15 December 2018


U.S. Moinuddin with the Wonderla Staff in the Wonderla Amusement Park
Bangalore: Wonderla Amusement park in Bidadi, celebrated Earth Day in their campus, with a great sense of responsibility towards a safer and greener environment.

Environmentalist, Author, Educationist and Motivational Speaker U.S. Moinuddin, interacted with the Wondela staff and explained about the global warming process and said, “ Bangalore, which was termed as the air conditioned city, is recording very high temperatures, reckless cutting of trees accompanied by the alarming growth in the vehicle numbers which are liberating toxic gases into the atmosphere are largely influencing the change in the climatic conditions.” Moinuddin further said” One Tree by One person is a very simple and practical concept; please support mother earth by planting a sapling each.”

Earth Day is an annual event, observed on April 22, to demonstrate support for environmental protection worldwide. It was first observed in 1970, and is now coordinated globally by the Earth Day Network and observed in more than 193 countries each year. Earth Day aims to inspire awareness and appreciation for earth’s environment.

Thursday 16 March 2017


Environmentalist U.S. Moinuddin with the participants of Know Your Trees.

Bangalore: Recently, an event to identify the different varieties of trees in our surroundings was organized by One Tree by One Person in association with VFC in the Magnifique Public School, One Tree by One Person Campus on Kanakapura Main Road. The Tree Walk called “Know Your Trees” attracted people from different walks of life.
  Environmentalist, Author, Educationist, Motivational Speaker U.S. Moinuddin took the participants on a journey in the lush green campus, and gave elaborate details about the Rain Tree, Banyan Tree, Gulmohar Tree, Acacia Mangium, Bursera, Varieties of Bamboos, Mahogany, Silver Oak, Peltophorum Pterocarpum, Sandal Wood, Singapore Cherry, Cannonball Tree, Honge and the Sausage Tree. The size of these trees when mature, their fruits, shape of the leaves and flowers, and the texture of the stem was explained to the participants.  

Explaining about the trees to the participants, U.S. Moinuddin said, “When people learn to identify the trees, and understand the size of these trees when fully grown, it becomes very easier for us to choose the right kind of saplings to plant, according to the availability of the space. If there is less space in front of your house, it becomes difficult to plant a Rain Tree or a Gulmohar Tree as they grow very huge, with the right information one can choose the right kind of saplings and plant accordingly.”
Rashmi Sahoo,  VFC Volunteer and SAP Consultant at Deloitte  said, “ It was a different experience for us, and the walk in the midst of nature, learning about the different varieties of trees was an effective learning for all of us.”
Shashikala,  a supporter of One Tree by One person and an active volunteer for the Indian Cancer Society said, “Though I am a farmer, and had Knowledge about some of the trees in our environment, the information which I got from the event was fabulous. I also learnt about some of the trees, which originate from Africa.  I realized that there was still so much to learn about the trees.”
Gopi, fitness trainer and owner of the Body Line Gym, who had participated in the event said, “I am very happy with the activities of One Tree by One Person, I intend to promote the idea of tree planting to all my students in the gym.”
Umme Hani, a teacher in a school who had participated along with a few of her students said, “It was an unbelievable experience, I had no idea of the varieties of trees in our environment.  Learning about the Cannonball tree which is often planted near the temples, and the aromatic Bursera Tree with its dark brown stem and branches which releases a sweet fragrance when a tiny twig is plucked, was truly stunning.”
Later, the method of planting a sapling and watering techniques too were explained to the participants by the Environmentalist.

Sunday 14 June 2015


Environmentalist U.S. Moinuddin

BANGALORE: On the 5th of June,   World Environment Day, 2015, in Support of One Tree By One Person was celebrated with great enthusiasm in the Magnifique Public School, One Tree by One Person Campus, on Kanakapura Main Road.

The green event, in a serene location, attracted a huge crowd that consisted of people of all age groups. The event was educational and entertaining.

 Environmentalist U.S. Moinuddin the Founder of the global environment movement, One Tree By One Person introduced the concept of the movement to the audience and said, “To plant a sapling and seeing it grow is a wonderful feeling. If you have not planted a tree, you have missed something wonderful in your life.”He further stated, “If space constraint is stopping you from planting a sapling near your home, there is always a possibility that you can find a place somewhere near to your office, school, college, or even your native village, where you can ask someone to take care of it, on your behalf.”

The dignitaries that attended the event consisted of fitness experts, educationists, scientists, musicians and filmmakers.

Tilotamma Shrinivasa, CTO of Peach Engineering Private Limited, introduced to the audience the use of Honge seeds as Biofuel and its utility in running engines and gensets.

Motivational Speaker for fitness and environment, Wanitha Ashok said, “It was my privilege to be at Magnifique Public School campus on the World Environment day. It was a moment of happiness to be a part of One Tree By One Person and get into history. I appreciate U.S. Moinuddin for so passionately involving in spreading the awareness about environment. Exposure to environment conservation and caring for plants should start at an early age. We have only one planet to stay in, so let’s take good care of it.”

CEO and MD of AIME Bangalore, Bilu M.V, said, “Our government should encourage all NGO’s to support One Tree By One Person. It is an amazing environment movement for a greener and better tomorrow.”

Filmmaker and MD of Foresee, Bala Gandhekar said, “One Tree By One Person is an amazing initiative, I strongly believe that every individual should take this very seriously and support the movement by plant a sapling each.”

Chairman of Aryan Education Academy, and Chief Executive Editor of Cheer Times magazine, Dr. S. Mazhar Nawaz, said, “I am very glad to be a part of One Tree by One Person. I appreciate the sincere efforts of U.S. Moinuddin for his outstanding efforts, in mobilizing and engaging the public for tree planting. I am looking forward for One Tree By One Person to reach every corner of our nation and also beyond.”

Nayeem A.R. CEO and M.D. Peach Engineering Private Limited said, “One Tree By One Person is a unique and practical concept. Together, let us join hands to make the Earth, a greener place to live in.”

 The dignitaries planted Mahogany trees during the occasion. Many students from various schools and colleges participated in the painted faces and crazy environmental costumes event. Skits were also played by a group of students giving the message of environmental conservation. One group of students enacted a play called ‘Today’s Chipko Movement.’

Rakesh Achyutha performed songs from his hit Kannada and Hindi album Rocky’s Seven Windows. The crowd enjoyed and left home with great memories.

 Professor Udipi Shrinivasa , Emeritus, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Science was also present in the event.

Sunday 18 January 2015


 Environmentalist, Author and Educationist U.S. Moinuddin with Founder of Sustainable World Project  Richard Alexander and the Magnifique Public School Staff

Bangalore: Tree Explorers Club, which is a unit of the global environment movement One Tree by One Person, was recently launched for the students of Magnifique Public School on Kanakapura Main Road.

The idea of the club is to create awareness about different varieties of trees in our environment. Making of projects based on environmental issues, visits to the nurseries to explore the different varieties of indoor and outdoor plants, rain water harvesting, nature walks that include the studying of flora and fauna of the region, effects on the forests due to the human intervention, are some of the topics which the club intends to deal with.

Founder Secretary of Magnifique Group of Educational Institutions U.S. Moinuddin who is also an internationally known environmentalist and an author initiated the opening of the club. He Said, “There are hundreds of varieties of trees in our environment. But, most of the people are unable to identify even the commonly found trees. Hence, with this initiative we intend to create the awareness to the students from an earlier age. Further, we want the students to get emotionally connected with the trees as though they are the members of their families." Moinuddin also said that environment based clubs should be started in all the schools and colleges so that awareness about the roles of trees in our environment gets created and merciless cutting down of trees gets restricted.
The opening of Tree Explorers Club
Richard Alexander a Dutch national, who is the Founder of ‘Sustainable World Project’ and the Author of the internet book “The Young World Leader Program,” participated in the event. He said, “Tree Explorers Club is a wonderful initiative. I am sure the students are going to benefit a lot from this. This will also encourage them to be more considerate towards nature and its creations. Eventually, it will help them in becoming better human beings.”

Divyashree a student of tenth standard said, “Tree explorers club will also help us to know some of the rare varieties of trees. Learning about trees in the green campus of Magnifique Public School is going to be a beautiful experience to the students.”

Recently, as part of the initiative, students learnt about the benefits of the coconut tree and also elaborate discussions were done about the different varieties of Bamboos such as Green Bamboo, Golden Bamboo, and Buddha’s Belly.  Also, the use of Bamboo in different cultures across the world was discussed.